

           近日, 緬甸MTG國際紡織服裝展覽會在仰光成功開展,歷時4天,鴻發(fā)國際有限公司攜奔馬高層裁床D8003亮相展會。
           Recently, Myanmar MTG International Textile & Apparel Accessories Exhibition has been successfully held in Rangoon, which lasted for 4 days. WEALTH CHAMP INTERNATIONAL LIMITED was together with Bullmer high-ply cutting machine D8003, appeared in the exhibition.
           With Germany's quality advantages and efficient intelligent cutting solutions, Bullmer has won the attention and affirmation again in garment industry.
           Since the U.S. lifted its economic and political blockade on Myanmar in 2016, Myanmar has restored the export "GSP" treatment. So Myanmar's exports to the United States, the European Union, Japan and Canada has tariff reduction and exemption policy. Myanmar is also one of the founding members of ASEAN, Tariff relief for goods exported to ASEAN. Therefore, in recent years, overseas enterprises have increased their investments in Myanmarand set up garment factories.
           Bullmer cutting machine D8003 attracted a large number of visitors to the exhibition. The engineers gave a clearly explanation.
           Through this exhibition,Bullmer not only shows the technical quality,but also reflects Bullmer’s purpose “customer-centered”.
           In the future, Bullmer will keep up with the times and innovation, to produce the first-class cutting machine.
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