


           近年來(lái),鞋機(jī)鞋材企業(yè)成本居高不下,為了促進(jìn)行業(yè)發(fā)展,維護(hù)行業(yè)秩序,降低企業(yè)參展成本,提高企業(yè)參展收獲和效益,由行業(yè)協(xié)會(huì)發(fā)起,行業(yè)自己主辦的專(zhuān)業(yè)國(guó)際鞋機(jī)鞋材皮革工業(yè)展覽  會(huì)將于2019年5月28日-31日在廣州琶洲保利世貿(mào)博覽館再度舉辦,此次展會(huì)為鞋機(jī)行業(yè)自辦展,由廣東省鞋機(jī)協(xié)會(huì)、廣州廣旅展覽策劃有限公司聯(lián)合主辦,東莞鞋機(jī)商會(huì)大力支持。

           2018 Exhibition Scale 展會(huì)規(guī)模
    • Total No.of Exhibitors 參展商總數(shù):216+
    • No.of China Exhibitors 國(guó)內(nèi)展商總數(shù):189+
    • Overseas Exhibitors (including HK,Macau&Taiwan)
    • 海外展商總數(shù)(包括香港、澳門(mén)及臺(tái)灣省):27+
    • Exhibiton Total Area 展覽總面積:18000㎡
    • Among them, exhibitors from overseas (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) accounted for 12%. 其中境外(含港澳臺(tái))參展企業(yè)占12%,
    • Guangdong enterprises accountsf or 66%  廣東企業(yè)占66%,
    • Zhejing accountsfor 10 %  浙江10%,
    • Fujian accounts for 9%   福建9%,
    • China other areas acoount for3%  國(guó)內(nèi)其他地區(qū)3%

           Exhibits are more inclined to mechanical products, exhibitor exhibits range analysis:
           The total scope includes: shoe machine, shoe material, footwear accessories, leather, synthetic leather (PU/PVC), leather chemicals, leather, shoe materials and raw materials, hardware accessories; shoe machinery, luggage leather machinery, sewing equipment, printing Equipment, laser cutting equipment and other related ancillary products.
           81% of them are machinery and leather bags and bags.
           Shoes, materials and accessories, leather and chemicals accounted for 13%.
           Other footwear related supporting technology products exhibition 6%

           Feedback from Exhibitors 參展商對(duì)展會(huì)評(píng)價(jià)
           Participation Result 參展成效:
           95%   Exhibitors concluded their partipation from satisfactory to excellent
           86%   Exhibitors are satisfied with the quality of the buyers present.
           91%   Exhibitors are interested in participating in 2019 Guangzhou International Shoes Machinery
           Material Leather Industry Fair
           Visitor profile 觀(guān)眾資料
           Total No. of Visitors 觀(guān)眾總數(shù):15322
           Visitor from China 國(guó)內(nèi)觀(guān)眾: 11798
           Visitor from Overseas 海外觀(guān)眾總數(shù):3524
           Find the target product and partners找到目標(biāo)產(chǎn)品及合作對(duì)象:93%
           Find no target products and not cooperation沒(méi)有找到目標(biāo)產(chǎn)品及未合作:7%

           Visitors' evaluation of the exhibition:
           This year's exhibition was held for the first time. Compared with other similar exhibitions, I have seen a lot of more powerful exhibitors and quality exhibits, and I have found many new suppliers.
           ---越南買(mǎi)家:董顯甫先生 Vietnamese buyer: Mr. Dong Xianyu
           The scale and product types of this year's exhibition are so many. The Shoe Association has been very successful for the first time. The exhibitions are rich in variety, especially the types of machinery are very numerous, very comprehensive, and have met more excellent suppliers. I believe the exhibition will be bigger next year. There will be more Yuanchuang design and enterprise exhibitors.
            ---中國(guó)上海買(mǎi)家:嚴(yán)小華女士China Shanghai buyer:Ms. YanXiaohua
           3、我們每年在中國(guó)采購(gòu)量都非常大的,每年我們都來(lái)廣州看展會(huì),這個(gè)新辦的展會(huì)服務(wù)很好!停車(chē)免費(fèi)、還包午餐及茶歇,展商所展示的機(jī)械種類(lèi)很全面,來(lái)這個(gè)展會(huì)收獲豐富,給了我們很 好的參觀(guān)體驗(yàn),感謝主辦方的貼心服務(wù).
           Our annual purchases in China are very large. Every year we come to Guangzhou to see the exhibition. This new exhibition service is very good! The parking is free, and the lunch and tea break are also included. The types of machinery exhibited by the exhibitors are very comprehensive. The exhibition is rich in harvest and gives us a good experience. Thank you for your caring service.
    ---新加坡YD Shoes 集團(tuán),高先生 Siingapore YD Shoes Group Mr.Gao
           上屆展會(huì)已于2018年6月1日?qǐng)A滿(mǎn)閉幕,國(guó)內(nèi)外行業(yè)知名企業(yè)紛紛到場(chǎng)參觀(guān),觀(guān)眾采購(gòu)商分別來(lái)自中國(guó)內(nèi)地各省市、越南、緬甸、新加坡、馬來(lái)西亞、泰國(guó)、菲律賓、中國(guó)臺(tái)灣、中國(guó)香港、孟加拉、巴西、埃及、法國(guó)、德國(guó)、日本、韓國(guó)、美國(guó)、墨西哥、印度、印尼、西班牙、英國(guó)、巴基斯坦、土耳其等國(guó)家和地區(qū)的專(zhuān)業(yè)鞋廠(chǎng)到場(chǎng)參觀(guān)采購(gòu),其中包括世界知名鞋業(yè)生產(chǎn)商:耐克、阿迪達(dá)斯、銳步、彪馬、匡威、茵寶、KAPPA背靠背、New Balance新百倫、Kswiss蓋世威、Asics愛(ài)世克斯、Manolo Blahnik、Jimmy Choo、Christian Louboutin、Silvano Lattanz郎丹澤、鐵獅東尼等國(guó)際知名品牌,國(guó)內(nèi)知名企業(yè)有安踏、361度、特步、寶成集團(tuán)、達(dá)芙妮、奧康、康奈、匹克、鴻星爾克、森達(dá)、紅蜻蜓、金利來(lái)、裕元集團(tuán)、華堅(jiān)集團(tuán)。綠洲鞋業(yè)、綠陽(yáng)鞋業(yè)、順天集團(tuán)、力祥鞋業(yè)、力展鞋業(yè)、功盛集團(tuán)、華風(fēng)集團(tuán)、瑞恩鞋業(yè)、瑞星鞋業(yè)、瑞邦鞋業(yè)、漢詣鞋業(yè)等近6000家企業(yè)到會(huì)參觀(guān)采購(gòu)。
           The last exhibition was successfully concluded on June 1, 2018. Famous domestic and foreign industry companies visited the exhibition. The buyers were from the provinces and cities of China, Vietnam, Myanmar, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Taiwan, Hong Kong. Professional shoe factories from Bangladesh, Brazil, Egypt, France, Germany, Japan, South Korea, the United States, Mexico, India, Indonesia, Spain, the United Kingdom, Pakistan, Turkey and other countries and regions visited the site, including world-renowned footwear manufacturers. : Nike, Adidas, Reebok, Hummer, Converse, Umbro, KAPPA Back to Back, New Balance, Kswiss, Asics, Manolo Blahnik, Jimmy Choo, Christian Louboutin, Silvano Lattanz, Daniel, etc. International well-known brands, domestic well-known enterprises include Anta, 361 degrees, Xtep, Baocheng Group, Daphne, Aokang, Kangnai, Peak, Hongxing Erke, Senda, Hung Hom, Jinlilai, Yueyuan Group, Huajian Group. Oasis Footwear, Green Sun Shoes, Suncheon Group, Lixiang Shoes, Lizhan Shoes, Gongsheng Group, Huafeng Group, Ryan Shoes, Ruixing Shoes, Ruibang Shoes, Hangu Shoes, etc. Nearly 6,000 companies visited the conference.

           Introduction to the exhibition in 2019:
           1.標(biāo)準(zhǔn)展位(3m X 3m)9平方米收費(fèi)RMB7800/個(gè)(包含標(biāo)準(zhǔn)展位配置及搭建)
           2.光地展位:收費(fèi)RMB7150元 / 9平方米(36平方米起租,不包含任何設(shè)施)
           Tel 電  話(huà):+86-20-87015209、18922402132 +86-769-85985028              
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