


    For 22 years, we have been changing ourselves and achieve partners. on the pursuit of the peak, we have always been unremitting.

    1996 成立明輝珩電腦針車行,國內(nèi)第一家專業(yè)從事電腦花樣縫紉機的服務(wù)機構(gòu)。
    in 1996 ,set up Minghui computer sewing machine shop, it is the first professional onganization in offering computerised sewing machine service.

    1998 代理銷售日本“三菱”電腦花樣縫紉機。
    in 1998,Acting sales of Japan "mitsubishi" computer pattern sewing machine.

    2001 成立研發(fā)部,開始自主研發(fā)電腦花樣縫紉機生產(chǎn)技術(shù)。
    in 2001,Established R&D Department, began to independently develop computer pattern sewing machine production technology.

    2004 第一臺“名菱”牌電腦花樣縫紉機成功面市
    in 2004, the first MingLing brand computer sewing machine had been lanched sucdcessfully.

    2006 成立“東莞市正南精密自動化設(shè)備有限公司,生產(chǎn)“名菱”系列電腦花樣縫紉機”。
    in 2006, set up Dongguan Zhengnan accurate automation equipment company, produce Mingling series computer sewing machine.

    2008 成立“名菱(香港)國際貿(mào)易公司”,建立國際營銷機構(gòu),進軍全球市場。
    In 2008,set up Mingling Hongkong international trading company and build the international sales team to enter global market.

    2010 成立東莞市名菱工業(yè)自動化科技有限公司。
    In 2010,set up Mingling Dongguan Industrial Automation Technology co.,ltd.

    2011 成立越南胡志明分公司,海防分公司,柬埔寨分公司。
    in 2011 set up HCM Vietnam,Haiphong,Cambodia branch office.

    2012 率先攜同中國縫紉機質(zhì)檢機構(gòu)中心,中國縫制機械標準化委員會,定制中國電腦花樣縫紉機國家標準。
    in 2012, together with the China Sewing Machine Quality Inspection Agency Center, and China Sewing Machinery Standardization Committee, customized Chinese computer pattern sewing machine national standards.

    2013 榮獲“國家高新科技企業(yè)”稱號。
    in 2013,earn the honor of National high and new science and technology enterprise.

    2014 成立縫制周邊配套自動化設(shè)備研發(fā)中心。
    in 2014,establish R&D center of peripherals equipment assorted sewing machine automation equipment.

    2015 通過ISO9001:2015國際質(zhì)量管理體系認證。
    in 2015,passed ISO9001:2015 intenational management system certification.

    2016 再次榮獲"國家高新科技企業(yè)"稱號。
    in 2016,we earned the honor of National high and new science and technology enterprise once again.

    2017 成功推出名菱MLK-H系列電腦花樣縫紉機,新系統(tǒng)全方位向未來智能化,大數(shù)據(jù)方向發(fā)展。
    in 2017,successfully launch Mingling MLK-H series computerised sewing machine,with new system and comprehensive to develop in the direction of building intelligent and big data.

    2018  組建廣東省鞋機協(xié)會,并成為會長單位。
    In 2018, Establish Guangdong Shoe Machinery Association, and became the president unit.

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