

           2019年越南國(guó)際紡織及制衣工業(yè)展(SAIGONTEX 2019)于4月10日-13日在西貢國(guó)際會(huì)展中心(SECC) 舉行。bullmer在此次展會(huì)中展示了高層裁床D8002S,氣浮桌板,自動(dòng)鋪布機(jī)全套裁剪線(xiàn)。
           Saigon Tex &Saigon Fabric 2019 kicked off in Ho Chi Minh City on April 10, Bullmer Company have participated in the Vietnam Textile & Garment Industry Expo. During this Expo,Bullmer Company have presented the most advanced production——the High-ply cutter, Auto fabric cutter and the air floating tables.
           越南西貢紡織及制衣工業(yè)展覽會(huì)是越南最大及最具影響力的紡織制衣行業(yè)盛會(huì),此展自90年代起,迄今已成功舉辦30屆,展會(huì)規(guī)模持續(xù)擴(kuò)大,成為擁有最多越南本地及海外對(duì)口買(mǎi)家的越南紡織及制衣行業(yè)盛會(huì),并為越南唯一得到UFI 認(rèn)證(展覽觀(guān)眾質(zhì)量保證)的紡織, 布料及制衣業(yè)展覽會(huì)。
            Vietnam Textile & Garment Industry Expo is the biggest and the most influential event in the textile and garment industry of Vietnam. As the only textile & garment industry expo approved by UFI (international exhibitor assurance of quality), this expo held currently with the Vietnam Fabric & Garment Accessories Expo. These 2 expos aim to provide a one stop sourcing platform for the buyers in Vietnam and the neighboring countries.


           In order to help local garment factories in Vietnam improve production efficiency and production environment better. Bullmer shown on the exhibition with high-ply cutter D8002S, with its elegant appearance design, cutting piece of high quality,attracted a group after group of customers to come to visit, at the same time,the staff introduced passionately, many guests have asked machine and left contact information, including some knowable guest, after fully compare other brands, guests expressed the willingness to buy Bullmer machine. After the exhibition,some customers contact Bullmer company immediately, and asked to go to the customer's factory for site planning for further.


           As an intelligent cutting solution service provider with 86 years of technical history background,Bullmer will continue to be committed to upgrading configuration and improving software functions, in order to provide customers satisfactory products and improve their competitiveness constantly.
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