
LV與DA完美融合 | 美國(guó)總統(tǒng)特朗普為L(zhǎng)V在美新工廠剪彩!

           10月17日,法國(guó)奢侈品巨頭路易威登(Louis Vuitton)在美國(guó)德克薩斯州開設(shè)了第三家工廠,美國(guó)總統(tǒng)特朗普與女兒伊萬卡一起參觀了這一新工廠車間,并出席了剪彩儀式。
           On October 17, French luxury giant Louis Vuitton opened a third factory in Texas, USA. US President Trump and his daughter Ivanka visited the new factory floor. Attending the “Ribbon–Cutting” ceremony.

           LV作為上工申貝集團(tuán)海外子公司DAGROUP的長(zhǎng)期合作伙伴,LV總部及其所有海外工廠都引進(jìn)了全球頂級(jí)縫制設(shè)備制造商杜克普愛華(Dürkopp Adler)系列產(chǎn)品。此次LV新工廠引進(jìn)DA867、DA669、DA869、DA868等產(chǎn)品應(yīng)用于手袋、皮具和箱包的縫制加工。
           LV is a long-term partner of DAGROUP, an overseas subsidiary of ShangGong Group. LV headquarters and all its overseas factories have been introduced Dürkopp Adler products from the world's top sewing equipment manufacturer. The new LV plant introduced DA867, DA669, DA869, DA868 and other products for the sewing of handbags, leather goods and bags.

           These high-end sewing machines are made in Germany and are well-designed, with high efficiency, high quality, strong and full sewing effect, which is more favored by luxury brands.

           ShangGong Group will take the initiative and the spirit of craftsmanship with leading technology and quality as the first step to protect LV's leading position in the field of luxury luggage, and provide more professional quality products and services for users around the world.

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