

           中國(guó)駐孟加拉大使館秘書、參贊.孟加拉中國(guó)商會(huì)會(huì)長(zhǎng)、副會(huì)長(zhǎng)、秘書長(zhǎng).孟加拉大工廠代表“Liz fashion”總裁以及當(dāng)?shù)囟嗉掖笮头b工廠總裁均參加富山孟加拉分公司開業(yè)典禮并表示祝賀!

           The counsellor and secretary of Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Bangladesh, the president, vice president and secretary-general of the China chamber of commerce, the managing director of big factory LIZ FASHION and other big factories’ top management joined the ceremony and regarded the congratulations!


           According to the survey, the garment exportation of Bangladesh will continuously increas in the next decade. Garments export accounts for 80% of the Bangladesh commodity export and turns to be the second biggest garment export country. Textile and garment industry plays a great important role in Bangladesh economic. For sewing machine manufactures, Bangladesh definitely is to be faced with a good opportunity.

           為了更好的服務(wù)好富山樣板工廠,2015年的8月29日,“HIKARI孟加拉分公司”正式成立,中國(guó)駐孟加拉大使館秘書、參贊.孟加拉中國(guó)商會(huì)會(huì)長(zhǎng)、副會(huì)長(zhǎng)、秘書長(zhǎng).孟加拉中國(guó)服裝企業(yè)“Liz fashion”總裁及孟加拉當(dāng)?shù)囟嗉掖笮凸S總裁等多名重量級(jí)嘉賓均參加剪彩儀式并表示祝賀,嘉賓代表還發(fā)表致辭,南亞最具影響力的幾大服裝雜志“apparel online ,apparel view”全程采訪并報(bào)道了此次開幕儀式.標(biāo)志著HIKARI(富山)將更好的服務(wù)和技術(shù)、回饋社會(huì)的理念更進(jìn)一步的傳遞給全世界。

           In order to make a good service to our sample factories, HIKARI Bangladesh Branch Company was officially founded. The counsellor and secretary of Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Bangladesh, the president, vice president and secretary-general of the China chamber of commerce, the managing director of big factory LIZ FASHION and other big factories’ top management joined the cutting the ribbon ceremony and regarded the congratulations. Some representative among the guests made some speech. The most influenced magazine of South Asia “Apparel on line, Apparel View” made a whole interview and report on this ceremony, which marks that HIKARI is going to pass on a better service, technology and an idea of repaying society to the global world.


           Also, the chairman of HIKARI Mr. Wu Liangjie indicates that HIKARI will continue to excellence to support firmly Bangladesh and global users.

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